Featured Agency Recruiting Video

If you’ve already posted a position on Police Lateral Jobs, but would like to add your recruiting video to our Featured Agency Video page, please complete this form. If you would like to post a position, as well as include your featured agency video, please return to the previous screen and select the 3 or 12 month job posting plan. You will have the opportunity to include the featured agency video within that submission.

Copy and paste the full URL where your video can be found on YouTube or similar platform.

Select Plan(Required)
Billing Name(Required)
Billing Address(Required)

Payments are processed securely through Stripe. Police Lateral Jobs does not retain your credit card information. Once your payment is processed, you will receive an email confirmation receipt.
By clicking below, I understand this card will be charged for the total price as a one time charge. I understand that my information may be saved for future transactions on this account. This information will not be sold or shared.