Be a Police Officer for one of the fastest growing and most diverse cities in Utah! West Valley City is Utah’s 2nd largest city and nestled just southwest of downtown Salt Lake City.
The West Valley City Police Department has 217 sworn officer positions and several specialties to choose from.
Special Enforcement Team
Community Oriented Policing (COP)
Training Division
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) for Patrol & Investigators
Temporary Field Officer positions with the FBI, DEA, ATF, & Criminal Intelligence Center
Plus, many more opportunities for specialties and promotions
West Valley City PD has a competitive pay scale, which includes shift differential pay and an Officer First Class promotional position. Benefits include health & dental insurance, 401K, 457 and pension plans.
Please review our website at: for further details regarding our pay, benefits, and excellent opportunities with one of Utah’s only CALEA accredited agencies!
Lateral officers are given year for year experience (including corrections time) in our pay scale. The entire pay scale can be found HERE
Entry Level Officer – $31.22/hr
Top out step 10 officer – $45.28 / hr (graveyards)
Shift Differentials – 2.5% afternoons / 5% graveyards – Counted towards your hourly salary so it is included in your retirement / pension
Officer First Class Promotion:
Top out pay at step 11 is $46.08 / hr dayshift and $48.38 / hr graveyards
We have a housing incentive for those who wish to live in West Valley or those who purchase a home in West Valley City.
Officers can apply to receive $10,000 to purchase a home in West Valley City.
Officers can apply to receive $165/month for 5 years for living within West Valley City. This option is renewable every 5 years.
Officers can apply to receive both incentives with an agreement to maintain employment and residence within West Valley City for 5 years
To get in touch with us and apply directly, click below:
Apply Directly